Artist Statement 

"Nothing is more concrete or real than a line, a color, or a plane of color."
-Theo van Doesburg / 1930.

For my work, I am partial to collecting and using found illustrations, mechanical and scientific drawings and plans, typography, schematics, signs, anything with a foregrounded linear quality.  These kick-start the development of an image, from a beginning sketch of a particular piece of the found element that is appealing and suggests other points of discovery; then through working and reworking the drawing that develop images having a certain inscrutability to them. These become the main images of the compositions, placed upon backgrounds of worked surfaces that show a combination of tenacity and roughness through scarred, sanded and pocked paint surfaces.

My interest lies in what can be added, deleted and manipulated in creating an image, as much subtractive as additive. The work indulges my interest in beauty through destruction and adaptation; it satisfies an impulse for organization in use of the grid and systematic compositions, and the desire to complicate rather than simplify, to add things through intense investigating of materials and outcomes rather than allow a work to be reduced for neat interpretation. The pieces shift from geometric/diagrammatic to organic/intuitive, and each one contains space for subtlety and doubt, even to the point of opening the work up to misunderstanding.

β€œArt is actually always about insufficiency, the personal desire to achieve something greater than what is possible, to capture the universal in the particular.”
-Sean Tatol / 2023


I have been actively involved in the Dallas/Ft. Worth art scene since moving to Dallas in 1989.

As an undergraduate student I studied painting, drawing, and printmaking at East Central University, in Ada, Oklahoma, where I received a Bachelors of Arts degree in 1985. Working in post-baccalaureate studies at the University of North Texas I continued in painting and printmaking for 3 years, after which I took time for other artistic endeavors (and work) and returned to school and received my MFA degree in Studio Art from Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, in May 2008.

Before branching off to start Gray Matters Gallery with a friend, I was involved with 500X Gallery for 2.5 years, leaving as President in 1991. For 14 years I owned & operated Gray Matters Gallery and Red Room Books, which I closed in 2005, before returning to school in 2006. In 2008, I started work as the Gallery Coordinator of East l West Galleries in the Department of Visual Arts at Texas Woman's University in Denton, Texas, organizing exhibitions and teaching as adjunct instructor in painting and printmaking classes, leaving in 2015. Starting in 2012, I reopened Gray Matters Gallery as a curatorial workshop, where I invited artists, curators and other arts professionals to develop exhibits, this continued until 2016. Currently I work in the Half Price Books corporate office in Dallas, Texas.